(inspired by many discourses of Gurudev-H. H. Sri Sri. Ravi Shankar)
Often people link spirituality to oldness. If someone practices spirituality then he is tagged as "old", "raw", "serious", etc etc...But the person who is into it only knows how wonderful it is. Spirituality is not sitting silently or being serious at all. Its just like being new born child daily. Spirituality in simple word "getting intimated with your soul" and being child again.
We give time to our body and decorate it with nice clothes, perfumes, accessories. We even give time to others by thinking about them (good or bad), speaking to them, being with them. On a external level we give time to ourselves too. That is we think about us from our "Ego" perspective. "What is there for me?", "I did this", " I will have to do this to impress them", etc... Our internal communication goes on in respect to our ego.
But we forget to communicate with our internal soul. It is the space where you really exist. When you visit yourself you realize who you really are. You are not Mr. / Ms/ Dr. / CA, You are not CEO, Clerk, MD or Peon, You are not even friend of some one, daughter or son of some one, you are not even beautiful, intelligent or artist. You start appreciating fact that you are just "You". We link ourselves to some traits, qualification, designation or any relation. But YOU- yourself are an absolute concept and this is just like going to your childhood again.
When were child we did stupid things not to impress any one but because we liked it. We just loved what we do. Child sees every thing with keen eyes and cherishes images what he captures. He even feels happy watching his own hands. He cries, laughs, waves hand, moves legs, does thing what he likes. He gives his 100% in what he does. When you are spiritual you actually do the same thing. You do what you feel like, you don't wait for certain point to be reached in order to be happy.
Love, Happiness and natural Positivity is part of spirituality. No beer, Party, drugs can sustain your laughter for longer time. only drug of "Spirituality" can make your life awesome and worth living. So it time to be child again, enjoy the nature, rejoice yourself.
Very nice...........
@shweta:- Thanks a ton.. keep reading..... :-)
Great.... Keep Writing !!!!
Hey is this pic of Pratham???
@Diti-thanks.. ya it is pratham
grt post... thought prvoking n, most important, dint sound phoney... u knw, like psedo spiritualism where ppl just love writing high funda stuff.. liked it...!!!
@Thanks a ton Srilaxmi
Good post. That's a spirituality in absulate sense means doing what u like to do & enjoying the work,life also.........:)
@snehal-Thanx a lot. From Many days i have not written single word. Your comment are acting as an inspiration.. Hope i start writing again..
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